We have lately heard of a remarkable instance of length of life in fish. Pausilypum[1] is the name of a villa in Campania, not far from Neapolis; here, as we learn from the works of M. Annsaus Seneca, a fish is known to have died sixty years after it had been placed in the preserves of Cæsar[2] by Vedius Pollio; while others of the same kind, and its equals in age, were living at the time that he wrote. This mention of fish-preserves reminds me that I ought to mention a few more particulars connected with this subject, before we leave the aquatic animals.

1. From the Greek tausi)lupon, "grief-assuaging." This was the name of a splendid villa belonging to Vedius Pollio, and which he bequeathed to Augustus. It was famous for its fish preserves; and it was here probably that Pollio kept his murenæ, previously mentioned by Pliny as being fed on human flesh. The vicinity is still called Monte Posilipo.

2. "Cæsaris piscinis. "This may either mean, preserves which had their name from Cæsar, or preserves which afterwards belonged to Cæsar. The work of Seneca, in which this circumstance was mentioned, is no longer in existence.